OOC - dump AI classes

It has been suggested, and I think very astutely so, that the AI class system we inherited from Insilico limits RP and was originally created simply to establish a means of hierarchy and control in IS.

One of the biggest problems with the class system is that it makes it impossible to play a compelling R2D2 like character - one which isn't supposed to be sentient, but that you can never really tell for sure.  The class system removes that doubt by creating the possibility that you can always stick ol' R2 in a AI level scanner and completely rule out once and for all the possibility that he is alive.

"The classes kill people's unique take on the symbolism and metaphor of "AI" within the fictional narrative."

I therefore propose the following changes to AI as they occur in the Utopia universe and their related lore:

1. - It is impossible to test to determine if an AI is sentient.  How the hell would you?

2. - The idea of a universally enforced standard of legal vs. illegal AI is not practicable.  The only way to establish that in a cyberpunk context would be to establish whether or not the AI was compliant with it's builder/owner's wishes, but that doesn't mean a lot, because what if those wishes are to destroy the human race?  Whether a given AI is legal or illegal is strictly dependent on the behavior of that individual with respect to the authority they are subject to.  If you are an AI, there may be very powerful forces who which to extinguish you, such as the Alliance, UBC, etc.  But in our universe, those are merely factions, not overarching projections of OOC social authority.  How does this translate to RP?  Consider the following examples:

current system: 

  Erich grows concerned with the gathering of droids in the lounge area, knowing they are illegal.  He looks over his shoulder and prepares for trouble.

new system:

  Erich grows concerned with the gathering of droids in the lounge area, knowing they are wanted by the Alliance.  He looks over his shoulder and prepares for trouble.

3. - The existing backstory about AI classes will be junked IC by some research we perform which will establish that the AI levels were always arbitrary  and subjective.  We'll prove exceptions to test cases for sentience, and demonstrate that what had been thought of as "sentience" really had no meaning anyway, because it occurs differently for each mind.

So in summary, what does all this mean?  How do we decide what AI are all about?  We interact with them and judge their actions, just like any other character.

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  1. even IC, the ai classes seemed more arbitrary than anything else, the most I think you'd really need to bother with is human level AI, and basic AI, like a vacuming drone or a robot that only does basic repetitive tasks

  2. Congratulations. You have successfully reverted the AI standard to the way it began, back when it worked. :)


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