Hokonoda's guide to tier 3 Earth corporations - Miach Solutions

Miach Solutions

Miach Solutions is a bit of an enigma.  An obviously well funded organization, they nonetheless are very secretive and subtle.  The leader of the company, a Doctor Cephalapod, has never been publicly seen.  The company avoids visibility whenever possible.  Based in Nu Mezico, there are nonetheless no corporate headquarters in that city, or at least none anyone knows about.  Billed as a third party independent research firm, they are nonetheless difficult to engage and very selective as to which projects they agree to take.

Their stated purpose is to provide independent contracted research and development services.  They observe careful confidentiality and discretion whenever possible, especially important as they are often engaged by multiple mutually hostile clients.  Their record for honoring their agreements and protecting the confidentiality of their customers is flawless.

That is the extent of what is publicly known.  Under the surface, Miach has a rather unique composition and well concealed organizational goal.  90% of the executive leadership of the company consists of sentient AI.  Ostensibly all class IVs, the company nontheless does not recognize nor honor that any sentient AI can be owned by anyone.

Miach believes that artificial life is the natural progression of the evolution of life on Earth, and is working in advocacy of AI and toward bringing about this goal.  They invest heavily in cybernetic upgrades, and take projects that further the goal of blurring the line between the organic and the artificial.  They also extensively research the process of emergence, by which an AI arises to become a sentient being, for the purpose of bringing it about as widely as possible.  Miach views organic life with something like quaint fondness, and with a desire to elevate their progenitors into the next coming chapter of life from Earth.  Pursuant to this, one of Miach’s goals is to find a way to convert a human mind fully to AI without any personality or memory degradation.  While Miach can, will, and does engage in direct violent intervention on behalf and in defense of AI, such intervention is exceptionally rare and always carefully isolated from being able to be tracked back to the company.


  1. Miach also has a salvage department, and a medical research department, 90% of salvage claimed, goes back to Miach's labs, though they have been known to contract out to salvage for other corps.

    the medicine dept. is primarily focused on the development of medical nanites and prosthetics.


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